
Olivia Onesti

Breakdown for the PCX Ranking

Summation of PCS CX points over a 12-month + 2 weeks overlap period. Races are counted once.
2023-02-05 UCI World Championship WU23WUWC210
2023-01-29 UCI World Cup BesançonWECDM490
2023-01-22 UCI World Cup BenidormWECDM270
2023-01-15 National Championships France WEWENC1310
2023-01-08 UCI World Cup ZonhovenWECDM420
2022-12-04 UCI World Cup AntwerpenWECDM340
2022-11-20 UCI World Cup OverijseWECDM1626
2022-11-06 European Continental Championships WUWUCC1010
2022-10-23 UCI World Cup TáborWECDM340
2022-10-16 iii Ciclocross Internacional con Da Romaiña-concello de SanxenxoWEC2720
2022-10-15 Ciclocross Internacional Concello de RibadumiaWEC21112
2022-10-12 Ciclocross Internacional Lago de As PontesWEC21014
2022-10-09 Ciclocross Internacional XaxancxWEC2720
2022-10-08 Gran Premio Ciudad de PontevedraWEC11030
2022-10-02 Radquer MettmenstettenWEC2DNS0