
Marek Konwa

Breakdown for the PCX Ranking

Summation of PCS CX points over a 12-month + 2 weeks overlap period. Races are counted once.
2023-02-05 UCI World ChampionshipMEWC1725
2023-02-03 UCI World Championship Team RelayWC90
2023-01-29 UCI World Cup BesançonMECDM1530
2023-01-15 National Championships Poland MEMENC140
2023-01-02 Cyclocross MeilenMEC2720
2023-01-01 Grand Prix Garage ColléMEC2818
2022-12-10 Toi Toi Cup RýmařovMEC2150
2022-12-03 Toi Toi Cup KolínMEC2240
2022-11-27 Bryksy Cross GościęcinMEC2150
2022-11-20 Grand Prix TrnavaMEC2240
2022-11-19 Grand Prix X-Bionic Samorin 2MEC1280
2022-11-17 Grand Prix X-Bionic Samorin 1MEC2150
2022-11-12 Toi Toi Cup Veselí nad LužnicíMEC2336
2022-10-29 Mikołów 800th Anniversary Cup/Puchar 800-lecie MikołowaMEC2150
2022-10-23 UCI World Cup TáborMECDM242
2022-10-16 Grand Prix Dohnany 2MEC2336
2022-10-01 Toi Toi Cup HlinskoMEC2624
2022-09-28 Toi Toi Cup Holé VrchyMEC2DNF0
2022-09-11 Internationaler GGEW Grand Prix BensheimMEC2624
2022-09-10 4 Bikes Festival Cyclocross RaceMEC2624