
Lucas Janssen

Breakdown for the PCX Ranking

Summation of PCS CX points over a 12-month + 2 weeks overlap period. Races are counted once.
2023-02-04 UCI World Championship U23MUWC925
2023-01-29 UCI World Cup BesançonMUCDM1014
2023-01-22 UCI World Cup BenidormMUCDM1210
2023-01-15 National Championships Netherlands MUMUNC48
2023-01-08 UCI World Cup ZonhovenMUCDM201
2023-01-05 X2O Trofee - Vlaamse Duinencross KoksijdeMUCU133
2023-01-01 GP Sven NysMUCU180
2022-12-03 Telenet Superprestige BoomMEC1260
2022-11-20 UCI World Cup OverijseMECDM340
2022-11-11 Telenet Superprestige Jaarmarktcross NielMEC1280
2022-10-29 Telenet Superprestige RuddervoordeMEC1DNF0
2022-10-25 Kiremko Nacht van WoerdenMEC2138