
Lizzy Gunsalus

Breakdown for the PCX Season ranking

Summation of PCX points from July 1 to June 30th.
2025-02-02 UCI World Championship WUWC340
2025-01-26 UCI World Cup HoogerheideCDM620
2025-01-25 UCI World Cup MaasmechelenCDM470
2025-01-19 UCI World Cup BenidormCDM320
2025-01-05 UCI World Cup DendermondeCDMDNS0
2025-01-03 Vlaamse Duinencross KoksijdeC11418
2025-01-01 Trofee GP Sven NysC11516
2024-12-30 Superprestige DiegemC1280
2024-12-27 Azencross – LoenhoutC1DNF0
2024-12-26 UCI World Cup GavereCDM590
2024-12-22 UCI World Cup ZonhovenCDM450
2024-12-21 UCI World Cup HulstCDM340
2024-12-14 National Championships United States WENC545
2024-11-24 North Carolina Grand Prix - Day 2C2432
2024-11-23 North Carolina Grand Prix - Day 1C2336
2024-10-27 Really Rad Festival of Cyclocross - Day 2C2336
2024-10-26 Really Rad Festival of Cyclocross - Day 1C1460
2024-10-20 Kings Cx - Day 2C2336
2024-10-19 Kings Cx - Day 1C1215
2024-10-13 Major Taylor Cross Cup - Day 2C2240
2024-10-12 Major Taylor Cross Cup - Day 1C2240