
UCI World Cup Koksijde

2021»Men Elite»Koksijde(30km)

The quality score of a startlist is computed as follows. For each rider on the startlist the position on the PCS ranking on the date of the start of the race is computed. For a top-3 position 50 points are awarded, top-10 position 35 points and on according to this scheme (top3: 50, top10: 35, top25: 20, top50: 10, top100: 5, top200: 2, top500: 1).

1 ISERBYT Eli150
3 VAN DER HAAR Lars350
4 SWEECK Laurens435
5 AERTS Toon535
6 HERMANS Quinten635
7 SOETE Daan835
9 VANDEPUTTE Niels1035
10 BAESTAENS Vincent1120
11 KUHN Kevin1220
12 ORTS Felipe1320
13 ADAMS Jens1420
14 VAN KESSEL Corné1520
15 KAMP Ryan1720
16 MEEUSEN Tom2020
17 RONHAAR Pim2120
18 HENDRIKX Mees2520
19 LOOCKX Lander2610
20 NYS Thibau2710
21 MEISEN Marcel2810
22 BOROŠ Michael2910
23 SUAREZ Kevin3010
24 MASON Cameron3210
25 FERDINANDE Anton3510
26 VAN DER POEL David4110
27 MEIN Thomas4510
28 BARNES Toby625
29 GODRIE Stan645
30 CHILTON Ben735
31 BLACKMORE Joseph935
32 NIEUWENHUIS Joris1062
33 PHILIBERT Aurélien1312
34 THOMAS Théo1472
35 MORICHON Mathieu1622
36 GILLES Cyprien1812
37 BOMMENEL Nathan2191
38 HERRMANN Lukas2331
39 HAMM Florian2351
40 GROENENDAAL Bailey2421
41 PETRUŠ Lubomír2491
42 NOLAN Seán2641
43 JOT Hugo3171
44 KOCKELMANN Raphael3201
45 HAVOT Sébastien3381
46 KARS Hugo3911
47 JOT Matéo4581
48 BARD Nicolas6000
49 DEL TORO Isaac8280
50 ZAVALA Leonardo0
51 ARREOLA Diego0
52 CAMARENA Bruno0
53 CAROZZO Marco0
54 GARCIA Carlos Alfonso0
55 JETTE Cameron0