
UCI World Cup Hulst

2022»Men Elite»Hulst(25.27km)

Who are your favorite 15 riders of all time? Vote now!Vote now in the favorite 500!

Oldest winners

1 Mathieu van der Poel28y + 345d
2 Mathieu van der Poel27y + 312d
3 Mathieu van der Poel25y + 350d
4 Mathieu van der Poel24y + 29d
5 Mathieu van der Poel23y + 30d
6 Thomas Pidcock22y + 157d
7 Eli Iserbyt22y + 117d
8 Mathieu van der Poel22y + 25d

Youngest winners

1 Mathieu van der Poel22y + 25d
2 Eli Iserbyt22y + 117d
3 Thomas Pidcock22y + 157d
4 Mathieu van der Poel23y + 30d
5 Mathieu van der Poel24y + 29d
6 Mathieu van der Poel25y + 350d
7 Mathieu van der Poel27y + 312d
8 Mathieu van der Poel28y + 345d