
National Championships France WE

2003»Women Elite»Nommay

Who are your favorite 15 riders of all time? Vote now!Vote now in the favorite 500!

Oldest winners

1 Laurence Leboucher35y + 318d
2 Maryline Salvetat34y + 154d
3 Laurence Leboucher33y + 321d
4 Maryline Salvetat32y + 149d
5 Caroline Mani31y + 360d
6 Laurence Leboucher30y + 325d
7 Maryline Salvetat30y + 152d
8 Caroline Mani29y + 356d
9 Lucie Lefèvre29y + 196d
10 Maryline Salvetat29y + 153d
11 Caroline Mani28y + 357d
12 Laurence Leboucher28y + 327d
13 Lucie Lefèvre28y + 190d
14 Maryline Salvetat27y + 155d
15 Hélène Clauzel25y + 354d
16 Pauline Ferrand-Prévot25y + 339d
17 Hélène Clauzel24y + 355d
18 Caroline Mani23y + 356d
19 Caroline Mani22y + 358d
20 Pauline Ferrand-Prévot22y + 336d
21 Pauline Ferrand-Prévot21y + 337d
22 Marion Norbert Riberolle21y + 5d
23 Amandine Fouquenet19y + 325d
24 Line Burquier18y + 248d

Youngest winners

1 Line Burquier18y + 248d
2 Amandine Fouquenet19y + 325d
3 Marion Norbert Riberolle21y + 5d
4 Pauline Ferrand-Prévot21y + 337d
5 Pauline Ferrand-Prévot22y + 336d
6 Caroline Mani22y + 358d
7 Caroline Mani23y + 356d
8 Hélène Clauzel24y + 355d
9 Pauline Ferrand-Prévot25y + 339d
10 Hélène Clauzel25y + 354d
11 Maryline Salvetat27y + 155d
12 Lucie Lefèvre28y + 190d
13 Laurence Leboucher28y + 327d
14 Caroline Mani28y + 357d
15 Maryline Salvetat29y + 153d
16 Lucie Lefèvre29y + 196d
17 Caroline Mani29y + 356d
18 Maryline Salvetat30y + 152d
19 Laurence Leboucher30y + 325d
20 Caroline Mani31y + 360d
21 Maryline Salvetat32y + 149d
22 Laurence Leboucher33y + 321d
23 Maryline Salvetat34y + 154d
24 Laurence Leboucher35y + 318d