
Lubuskie Warte Zachodu - Zielona Góra

2024»Men Elite»Zielona Góra - Wosir Drzonkow

The quality score of a startlist is computed as follows. For each rider on the startlist the position on the PCS ranking on the date of the start of the race is computed. For a top-3 position 50 points are awarded, top-10 position 35 points and on according to this scheme (top3: 50, top10: 35, top25: 20, top50: 10, top100: 5, top200: 2, top500: 1).

1 KONWA Marek3810
2 VAN DER MEER Gosse795
3 ZELENÝ Ondřej965
4 JINDŘICH Pavel1122
5 MAYER Daniel1452
6 MIKLER Bartosz2021
7 POMIAN Szymon3361
8 JONA Dawid4061
9 VIK Matěj4161
10 LUKŠAS Dovydas6340
12 BYLEWSKI Michał0
13 JANICKI Szymon0
14 ANTONOWICZ Krzysztof0
15 SKONECZNY Kacper0
16 HYLA Damian0
17 KOHNKE Kacper0
18 PARZYCH Maciej0
19 WOZNIAK Wiktor0
20 DRABIK Mateusz0
21 PRAXMAJER Tadeusz0
22 WALCZAK Ignacy0
23 MARZEJON Mikolaj0
24 BIŁYK Antoni 0
25 MARZEJON Maksymilian0
26 KUJAWA Igor0
27 BÖRNER Finley0
28 RECA Tomasz0
29 LENNÉ Arthur0
30 SOWINSKI Artur0
31 BIEL Szymon0
32 CZEKAY Wiktor0
33 WISNIOWSKI Maksymilian0
34 ADASZAK Ksawery0
35 CHOJNACKI Kacper0
36 TABARA Šimon0
37 DOPPKE Kacper0
38 HELTA Filip0
39 GARNEK Ksawier0
40 SWIDER Brajan0
41 LIENERT Patrik0