
The Jingle Cross Rock - Rock 3

2013»Women Elite»Iowa City

Who are your favorite 15 riders of all time? Vote now!Vote now in the favorite 500!

Oldest winners

1 Kateřina Nash40y + 295d
2 Kateřina Nash39y + 282d
3 Kateřina Nash38y + 291d
4 Kateřina Nash37y + 362d
5 Meredith Miller37y + 336d
6 Kateřina Nash35y + 343d
7 Meredith Miller35y + 338d
8 Marianne Vos34y + 158d
9 Helen Wyman31y + 259d
10 Courtenay McFadden29y + 238d
11 Maghalie Rochette26y + 148d
12 Amanda Miller23y + 350d

Youngest winners

1 Amanda Miller23y + 350d
2 Maghalie Rochette26y + 148d
3 Courtenay McFadden29y + 238d
4 Helen Wyman31y + 259d
5 Marianne Vos34y + 158d
6 Meredith Miller35y + 338d
7 Kateřina Nash35y + 343d
8 Meredith Miller37y + 336d
9 Kateřina Nash37y + 362d
10 Kateřina Nash38y + 291d
11 Kateřina Nash39y + 282d
12 Kateřina Nash40y + 295d