
Grand Prix Dohňany

2021»Men Elite»Dohňany

The quality score of a startlist is computed as follows. For each rider on the startlist the position on the PCS ranking on the date of the start of the race is computed. For a top-3 position 50 points are awarded, top-10 position 35 points and on according to this scheme (top3: 50, top10: 35, top25: 20, top50: 10, top100: 5, top200: 2, top500: 1).

1 LOOCKX Lander2610
2 MEEUSSEN Witse515
3 ZELENÝ Ondřej965
4 ROMBOUTS Seppe1022
5 HARING Martin1202
6 VOZÁR Šimon1552
7 SOKOLÍK Lukáš1842
8 KOVÁČ Samuel1932
9 HRTÁNEK Martin2291
10 JOT Hugo3171
11 KOREŇ Matúš Jakub3411
12 SZEKELY Benedek3571
13 KURTY Jakub3691
14 VANČO Tobias4081
15 BRUYNSEELS Dries4451
16 JOT Matéo4581
17 BRŠEL Samuel5520
18 TRNKA Marek5680
19 ŁUKÓW Antoni6250
20 KARAS Juraj6780
21 NOWAK Stanislaw8360
22 KURTY Matej8730
23 BRUYNSEELS Greg9110
24 WACHS Martin0
25 PODOBA Kristián0
26 ŠEVEČKA Tomáš0
27 ŽILKA Filip0
28 LÁVEČKA Matúš0
29 HOZA Denis0
30 VRBIK Adam0
31 MUSIALIK Tobiasz0
32 MIČIAN Samuel0
33 MELIŠ Erik0
34 VYKYDAL Jaroslav0
35 KAISE Julien0