
Internationales Radquer Meilen

2001»Women Elite»Meilen

Who are your favorite 15 riders of all time? Vote now!Vote now in the favorite 500!

Oldest winners

1 Christine Majerus32y + 311d
2 Eva Lechner30y + 185d
3 Christine Majerus29y + 312d
4 Jolanda Neff25y + 362d
5 Alessandra Keller25y + 341d
6 Silvia Persico25y + 161d
7 Jolanda Neff24y + 362d
8 Jasmin Egger-Achermann19y + 139d
9 Jasmin Egger-Achermann18y + 139d
10 Vroni Fuhrer

Youngest winners

1 Vroni Fuhrer
2 Jasmin Egger-Achermann18y + 139d
3 Jasmin Egger-Achermann19y + 139d
4 Jolanda Neff24y + 362d
5 Silvia Persico25y + 161d
6 Alessandra Keller25y + 341d
7 Jolanda Neff25y + 362d
8 Christine Majerus29y + 312d
9 Eva Lechner30y + 185d
10 Christine Majerus32y + 311d