
UCI World Cup Heerlen

2002»Men Elite»Heerlen

Who are your favorite 15 riders of all time? Vote now!Vote now in the favorite 500!

Oldest winners

1 Richard Groenendaal33y + 194d
2 Richard Groenendaal30y + 199d
3 Sven Nys29y + 240d
4 Richard Groenendaal29y + 221d
5 Thijs Al28y + 243d
6 Richard Groenendaal28y + 215d
7 Marc Janssens28y + 67d
8 Kevin Pauwels27y + 305d
9 Ben Berden27y + 118d
10 Niels Albert27y + 12d
11 Luca Bramati26y + 357d
12 Kevin Pauwels26y + 307d
13 Richard Groenendaal26y + 190d
14 Klaas Vantornout25y + 267d
15 Lars Boom21y + 43d
16 Mathieu van der Poel20y + 33d
17 Mathieu van der Poel19y + 28d

Youngest winners

1 Mathieu van der Poel19y + 28d
2 Mathieu van der Poel20y + 33d
3 Lars Boom21y + 43d
4 Klaas Vantornout25y + 267d
5 Richard Groenendaal26y + 190d
6 Kevin Pauwels26y + 307d
7 Luca Bramati26y + 357d
8 Niels Albert27y + 12d
9 Ben Berden27y + 118d
10 Kevin Pauwels27y + 305d
11 Marc Janssens28y + 67d
12 Richard Groenendaal28y + 215d
13 Thijs Al28y + 243d
14 Richard Groenendaal29y + 221d
15 Sven Nys29y + 240d
16 Richard Groenendaal30y + 199d
17 Richard Groenendaal33y + 194d