
International Cyclocross Increa Brugherio

2023»Men Elite»Brugherio

The quality score of a startlist is computed as follows. For each rider on the startlist the position on the PCS ranking on the date of the start of the race is computed. For a top-3 position 50 points are awarded, top-10 position 35 points and on according to this scheme (top3: 50, top10: 35, top25: 20, top50: 10, top100: 5, top200: 2, top500: 1).

1 RÜEGG Timon1820
2 KONWA Marek3810
3 BERTOLINI Gioele565
4 LEONE Samuele715
5 ŘÍMAN Jakub745
6 VAN DER MEER Gosse795
7 ZELENÝ Ondřej965
8 FONTANA Filippo1222
9 COMINELLI Cristian1262
10 FOLCARELLI Antonio1392
11 CEOLIN Federico2111
12 AGOSTINACCHIO Filippo2171
13 WEBER Sascha2181
14 PEDERIVA Simone3931
15 JEKER Hannes4041
16 ZAMPESE Fabio6230
17 TABOTTA Tommaso6650
18 FERRI Tommaso7380
19 FRUET Martino7420
20 GARGANTINI Dario7450
21 BASSIGNANA Fabio7970
22 BAGOU Guillaume8310
23 PALETTI Luca8660
24 MARTINELLI Andrea9070
25 CARRER Vittorio9250
26 MANCIN Alessandro0
27 ERMACORA Riccardo0
28 CARBONE Andrea0
29 PISANU Valerio0
30 CONCARI Jader0
31 RIBOLI Lorenzo0
32 RIBOLI Samuele0
34 ROVATI Luca0
35 CESCHIN Matteo0
36 CONTI Andrea0
37 LEONI Giovanni0
38 GIUSEPPETTI Gabriele0
39 BAGOU Thomas0
40 BILLET Paul0
41 BINGGELI Alexandre0
42 BISARO Gabriel0
43 MONTI Giosue'0
44 MARES Elia0
45 GUÉRIN Morgan0
46 DI GASPERO Cristiano0
47 SCAPPINI Samuele0
48 VARI Simone0
50 CLER Gabin0
51 BARAZZUOL Enrico0
52 CAFUERI Tommaso0