
Dam Cross

2008»Women Elite»Los Angeles

Who are your favorite 15 riders of all time? Vote now!Vote now in the favorite 500!

Oldest winners

1 Susan Butler39y + 55d
2 Kateřina Nash38y + 346d
3 Kateřina Nash37y + 347d
4 Meredith Miller37y + 342d
5 Kateřina Nash36y + 348d
6 Kateřina Nash35y + 356d
7 Kateřina Nash34y + 358d
8 Rachel Lloyd33y + 188d
9 Rachel Lloyd32y + 168d
10 Caroline Mani30y + 305d

Youngest winners

1 Caroline Mani30y + 305d
2 Rachel Lloyd32y + 168d
3 Rachel Lloyd33y + 188d
4 Kateřina Nash34y + 358d
5 Kateřina Nash35y + 356d
6 Kateřina Nash36y + 348d
7 Meredith Miller37y + 342d
8 Kateřina Nash37y + 347d
9 Kateřina Nash38y + 346d
10 Susan Butler39y + 55d