
Cincinnati UCI Cyclocross

2018»Women Elite»Kings Mills

Who are your favorite 15 riders of all time? Vote now!Vote now in the favorite 500!

Oldest winners

1 Kateřina Nash38y + 326d
2 Kateřina Nash36y + 327d
3 Caroline Mani35y + 278d
4 Katie Compton34y + 335d
5 Katie Compton33y + 336d
6 Katie Compton32y + 337d
7 Katie Compton31y + 310d
8 Maghalie Rochette31y + 183d
9 Katie Compton30y + 312d
10 Katie Compton29y + 313d
11 Katie Compton28y + 314d
12 Maghalie Rochette28y + 187d
13 Maghalie Rochette26y + 190d
14 Ellen Noble22y + 330d
15 Ellen Noble21y + 331d
16 Isabella Holmgren18y + 153d

Youngest winners

1 Isabella Holmgren18y + 153d
2 Ellen Noble21y + 331d
3 Ellen Noble22y + 330d
4 Maghalie Rochette26y + 190d
5 Maghalie Rochette28y + 187d
6 Katie Compton28y + 314d
7 Katie Compton29y + 313d
8 Katie Compton30y + 312d
9 Maghalie Rochette31y + 183d
10 Katie Compton31y + 310d
11 Katie Compton32y + 337d
12 Katie Compton33y + 336d
13 Katie Compton34y + 335d
14 Caroline Mani35y + 278d
15 Kateřina Nash36y + 327d
16 Kateřina Nash38y + 326d